know I’m all about action first, and blooming where you’re planted, so I would never suggest not launching your business if you don’t have a website.

Start where you can start!

However, as the world goes more digital, having the right kind of online presence is crucial. 

Maybe this is something you’ve been contemplating, or maybe you don’t even believe me, so here are 10 reasons why having a website is crucial to your success:

  1. Pretty much right after you mention you have a business everyone is going to ask you for your website.
  2. It serves as your online business card
  3. It’s your businesses brochure (without having to harm any trees!)
  4. It serves as a way for your potential clients and partners to “check you out” thus buildling that rapport of trust faster (and while you sleep).
  5. Gives you a global reach. Starting from Day 1 of your business, you can attain international reach, without having to spend a ton of money.
  6. (When done right) It allows you to stay engaged with people interested in your message and this weekend I’ll show you how to do it right.
  7. Without an online presence you’re missing out on the 2.4 billion people who are currently online (hello missed opportunity!)
  8. Serves as your first assistant. You website can collect names, hand out information and will serve as your virtual assistant while you’re off doing other (fun) things.
  9. Your website serves as the linchpin in the beginning of your online marketing efforts, which is essential if you’re looking to build a location independent or freedom-based business.
  10. Instant credibility. When you have a website that you can send people to, they instantly respect you and see you as an authority who takes her craft seriously.

Now you may be thinking that you don’t have the time, money, creative direction or clear messaging necessary to create your own amazing website, but I’m here to tell you that I got your back and have the solution that you’ve been looking for! This Saturday, February 13th @ 10 am PST I’m co-hosting a live workshop on how to set up a website that you can be proud of.

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This is a legit workshop where you’ll get clear on your messaging, your target market and we’ll actually walk you through, step-by-step how to build a sweet looking, email capturing, client attractive website. It will be quick, cheap, easy and a TON of fun. Join me won’t you?

If you can’t attend live, still register so you can catch the limited time reply.

Can’t wait to see you there!

You're In!