You’re not trying to make a quick buck

You’re not just hopping on the latest trend

You’re not trying to “crush the competition”

And you’re certainly not trying to work around that clock


You want a business, yes, but not in the old sense of the word. When you say you want to grow your business you’re not thinking of yourself as some guy wearing a stuffy business suit in an ivory tower, controlling your employees by dominating and intimidating them…


Your idea of business is creating a meaningful body of work, that’s making a real difference in people’s lives and in turn, gives you the life you’ve always dreamed of… a life where you get to spend time with your family, travel as often (and as far) as you’d like and allows you to witness the contribution you’re making to the world. You want a business that plays to your strengths and is so uniquely YOU, that no one can duplicate the magic you bring.


This is what it looks like to build a business that gives you freedom and fulfillment. But how the heck do you create

But how the heck do you create that?


Well, the answer is a deep one, and it’s what I cover in depth in the Be Your Own Boss Bootcamp program, but what I can share with you right now, is the first step to creating a business that gives you freedom and fulfillment.


The first thing you want to do to create a fulfilling freedom-based business is to connect deeply with your Vision.

What do you see for yourself and what do you see for the world?


If you’re creating a widget (or a Snuggie) maybe you don’t have to worry about your Vision so much. But if you’re looking to grow a business that is mission-filled, freedom-based and purpose-driven, then connecting with your Vision is your very first step!

And before you roll your eyes, let me reassure you, it doesn’t have to be a difficult process, in fact it can be a ton of fun!  


To show you what a blast it can be, I’ve created this free 25-minute training to show you how to create a brand board for
your bizz. (When the mandatory work includes hopping on Pinterest, you know a good time awaits!)



Have fun with this process and see what you come up with as you connect with why you want to grow this business in the first place. Send me your brand board by Friday, and be eligible to win a free gift from me to you!


I can’t wait to see what you create and feel free to let me know if you have any questions.


Sending you lots of love and I’ll “see” you next week 😉


You're In!