Everyone’s talking about strategic plans ?, goals for the new year and, of course, resolutions. I get it, I have been in strategic planning mode for most of the month of December and setting goals is, like, my favorite topic.
However, some people feel intimidated, deflated or downright uninspired around this time of year.
Is that you?
If you can relate I have 4 ways that you can get juiced for the new year in a way that will start you on the path to a productive and prosperous new year.
- Declutter: Out with the old in with the new, as they say. You have to make room for what you’re creating in the new year, even if you don’t know what that is yet. This is important in your physical space, in your mental space and even in your relationships.
Inspired Action Step: Take some time and ask yourself, is this item/relationship/task contributing to my highest good? If it’s not it’s time to clear the decks. Take inventory of your life and clear out the old to bring in the new and good.
- Celebrate What You’ve Accomplished: The problem with setting goals for the new year is that it can set you on a path of thinking what’s “not good” in your life right now and what you want to “improve on” in the new year. That’s okay if you’re coming from the right place, but if you’re coming from a place of lack, then you’ll be feeling inadequate all year long striving to improve your life.
Inspired Action Step: What you want to do before you start setting your goals is CELEBRATE what you’ve accomplished already. Maybe it’s all of your wins for 2016 or it can be a celebration of a lifetime of achievements. Whatever you decide, get in the place of celebrating yourself first, THEN you can build on that and set even more inspired goals. See the difference?
- Get Sold On Yourself: After having many conversations with my clients about their aspirations for the new year, I know that this step is more important than any other. Now that you’ve celebrated and recognized how awesome you are, it’s time to get sold on yourself. Get anchored in the fact that you rock, that you’re amazing and that you’re truly a unique gift to the world. The deeper you can connect to this Truth, the more everything else will fall into place.
Inspired Action Step: Decide that you’re the bee’s knees and get sold on yourself. This isn’t conceit or arrogance, it’s just an inner knowing that, “hey, I’m pretty darn special”. (Note: I’m the queen of helping people get sold on themselves, so if you get stuck here, reply to this email and I’ll help you out ?)
- Dream Big: Okay, NOW you can make the big plans, set the big goals and dream the impossible dream. Now you’re not coming from a place of lack or a place of feeling small, which truly makes all the difference. Now you’re rooted in how awesome you are, how far you’ve come, and realize the sky’s the limit. This is a much more empowered place to dream, muse and create from and your manifestation mojo is cranked all the way up.
Inspired Action Step: Take some time out, light a candle (preferably this or this #favs) and really think about what you want your life to look like in 2017. Write it down, create a vision board or just talk it out with a trusted friend. Be sure to capture it in some way, so that you can use it as a guiding light and reference as you move through your year.
Bonus: If you’d love some support, strategy (and some soul sister love) to help you achieve your goals in 2017, you can fill out this application to be considered for a spot to work with me one-on-one in the new year!
All of these steps sound pretty simple (well at least until you attempt to declutter your guest room closet ? #askmehowIknow) and it’s tempting to just scan this email, nod in agreement and then move on.
I highly encourage you to actually do each of these steps and you will experience a positive shift in your energy, in your emotions and ultimately in your outcomes.
Here’s to a year well done and to a productive and prosperous 2017! ? ✨ ? We made it!!
Sending tons of Love,
Jennifer 🙂