Hey Sista,

How’s everything going in your world? I’m so happy to be back home after traveling to the East Coast for a conference where I was invited to speak.

Don’t get me wrong, I love to travel, but as a wise woman once said, “there’s no place like home.”

I’m also SO happy it’s September. As you may or may not know September is the month of Harvest.

That means: be prepared to receive the benefits and rewards from seeds you’ve planted earlier in the year.


The only catch is, sometimes you have to seek out those rewards, as they may not be obvious at first. This is a classic manifestation exercise and once you do it, you’ll be surprised and dazzled at what comes up.

Reflect on this… 

  • What’s something positive that has happened to you this week that’s a result of some hard work you put in earlier in the year?


  • What relationship have you nurtured earlier in the year that has now resulted in a great present day partnership?


  • What uncovered abundance is surrounding you right now that you haven’t even discovered yet? Go on a treasure hunt and seek out some of the unclaimed money, freebies, or vouchers that have been there, or come to fruition that you haven’t even noticed. This month is a great time to check for all of those things.


For example, when I did a “first pass” of what rewards I’m reaping this month I uncovered:

  • I realized that I am currently newly friends with and in regular communication with two women who were actually on my vision board! Yes you can manifest friendships and what was a wish at the beginning of the year has come to pass in that department.


  • The fact that I put out podcast episodes even though I wholeheartedly admit I didn’t know what I was doing (#progressoverperfection) and now have been invited across the country to speak at a podcast conference is actually evidence of reaping the benefits of my past efforts.


  • And even on the abundance tip, I uncovered money and credits that are surrounding me. A gift card from Target, store credit from a local boutique and redeemable tickets, just to name a few.


So my challenge to you this month is to really get present to what benefits you’re reaping from your past efforts. I know you’re a hard worker who sets intentions and now is a GREAT time to uncover and celebrate your Harvest.


Also, a today is the last day that you can enroll in the Soul-Centered Business Creator program for just $97 a month. You can click here to find out the nitty gritty details.Think about it…. by joining today, you’re planting the seeds necessary to grow a fulfilling, sustainable, and profitable business with heart, soul, and authenticity. What could be better?


Click here to sign up today, you have until 11:59 pm PST.


Keep planting those seeds, keeping putting one step in front of the other and shine on, sista!!!

Sending all my love,

P.S. Don’t just read this and not take action. Really reflect on your life and business to uncover where you’re already reaping the benefits of your hard work. Ready to plant the seeds that will result in having your business off the ground and making money in a matter of months? Click here to join The Soul-Centered Business Creator program for just $97 today. This generous offer goes away tonight, so be sure to hop in today!

You're In!