No Longer Afraid To Fail…

No Longer Afraid To Fail…

The goal isn’t to feel no fear, the goal is to feel the fear and do it anyway… Journal Prompt: In what area in your life are you letting fear take over and keep you stuck in your tracks? What would it look like if you told fear to take a hike, for just a...
The Glass Is Half Full

The Glass Is Half Full

Where in your life are you dwelling in the “what ifs”? Where could you instead dwell in possibility? Journal Prompt: If I knew I couldn’t fail, this is what I would do:  Share in the comments if you’re feeling...
You Could Make A Wish, Or You Could Make It Happen

You Could Make A Wish, Or You Could Make It Happen

Journal Prompt: What’s one baby step you could take today – to make your wish come to fruition? Write it down and bonus points if you mark time in your calendar to actually take time to do it!  For added accountability, share in the comments what you came...
Shine ON!

Shine ON!

There is only one YOU in the world. We need to to Shine On and Shine Bright! Journal Prompt: What’s one area in your life where you’re dimming your light where you could be shining bright? What’s one action step you can take to change that...