Better Not Bitter…

Better Not Bitter…

Journal Prompt: What grudge or hard feelings are you holding from over the past year? Write it down. Next: Write down two insights, lessons, or awarenesses you got from having had gone through that icky time.  Then: Forgive and Let Go of the grudge or hard feelings....
The Courage To Continue

The Courage To Continue

Journal Prompt: Where in your life or business can you muster the courage to keep going that you previously marked as a failure? Pro Tip: Come up with one action you can take to keep going on the topic you journaled about. Mark down a date in your calendar for this...
Go The Extra Mile….

Go The Extra Mile….

Journal Prompt: What’s one area in your life or business where you’re hanging out in mediocrity. Where can you go the extra mile and stand out from the crowd? Write down your answer. Pro Tip: Share in the comments to 10X your results #accountability...
Be Your Best Self

Be Your Best Self

Everyone else is taken… Journal Prompt: What’s one area of your life or business where you’re not showing up as your best version? What’s ONE action you can take today to start improving in that area?  Pro Tip: Share you “One...