> Send your favorite Wide headshot (minimum 1400px wide x 1000px tall)

This picture will be displayed as the main image for your interview (wide displays best) + be used for social media promotion.

> Fill out the “Short Questions” form

Your answers will be used for both our discussion and will be displayed in the show notes that accompany your interview.

> Make sure to have a mic

Sound quality is one of the most important aspects in making sure the listener has a good experience.  As a minimum requirement, I ask you please use a headphone mic (like the pair that comes with an iPhone).

If you have time and feel you might be doing more interviews in the future I would highly recommend getting the Audio-Technica ATR2100.  It’s the mic I use, is highly praised by top podcasters as the best intro mic + only costs ~$60!

> Soundproof your Space

We want to make sure the focus is on y-o-u!  To do so, find a quiet space (ideally with carpet) and silence all phone and computer notifications.  If possible, I also recommend avoiding jewelry while recording as it can be distracting to the listener.

> Think actionable, specific, and encouraging

For the show, many of my listeners are struggling to take action and are afraid of failing.  They see the pretty pictures of badass females living their dream on Instagram and wonder, “How did they do it?!” The more real you are about what your life looks like behind the scenes as well as an honest version of your journey the more our listener will be able to connect with you.

With that, they are also craving actionable and practical advice.  The more you can think of specific steps you took, tools you recommend, habits you’ve cultivated, etc the better!

As a reminder, by participating in this interview you have agreed to the following…

  • I agree that I will participate in promoting our interview on my social media channels.
  • I acknowledge that Jennifer Covington is not required to publish our interview if for whatever reason she deems inappropriate or not in the best interest of the listeners.
  • I grant Jennifer, her team, and any successors the rights to use our audio or video recording in any advertising, packaging, or promotional material.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the information above.  If not, I hope you have an amazing day, and can’t wait to connect with you soon!