Have You Had Speaking On Your List of things you’re going to “make happen” this year? 

But now it’s September and you still haven’t moved forward on that goal…

I totally get and don’t blame you one little bit! 

Speaking can feel:

  • Scary
  • Confronting
  • And sometimes Confusing since for the businesses we run, there’s a certain way you gotta do it to be profitable!

I mean, let’s be honest! No one is trying to get all gussied up, spend time driving to a venue, only to then get compliments on how great your talk was, but then leave with no sales. #amirite

Not only does that feel like a waste of time, week after week, but no sales means minimal to no transformation for your audience because they didn’t become clients preventing you from working with long term (which is where the transformation truly happens).

So, How can you turn that lose/lose into a win/win?

Listen, I have been in your shoes, and probably was worse off than you!

I absolutely identify with the 75% of the people who fear (feared?) public speaking. 

There’s joke Jerry Seinfield does where he acknowledges that according to most studies,  speaking in public is people’s #1 fear and death is #2 – which means “if you go to a funeral most people would feel more comfortable in the casket than doing the eulogy”


100%!! Guilty! ????

So if that’s true for me, how have I spoken on stages and generated thousands of dollars connecting with people?

How did I just host an all-day workshop that was a blast and a half (even though all eyes were on me, and that used to terrify me)?

I’ll tell you what I did in 3 easy steps:

  1. I declared I’m overcoming this fear, once and for all (I knew the profits were waiting for me just beyond my terror)
  2. I got support from someone with expertise who knew how to help scaredy-cats like me!
  3. I practiced, I stay in the practice, and I continue to dive into the work of honing my public speaking craft 

What it’s done for me is allowed me to:

  • Connect human-to-human with amazing women in business
  • It’s allowed me to be a lighthouse and show up as myself and effortlessly enroll people who resonate with my energy
  • It has been one of the fastest converting modalities I’ve used. When you stand in front of the room and speak, people go from stranger to client within an hour and the relationship is always deep and fulfilling 
  • Get out of feast and famine as long as I keep speaking gigs on my calendar, I can predict income will come in. 

If you’re ready to declare, FOR REALS, you’re ready to give this speaking thing a real go.  I’ve got something super special, just for you! I’ve created the…

Speak Brave Bundle To Help You Make That Happen! 

Here’s What It Includes:

  • A 60 Minute Visioning Call – where we map out your profit plan and get clear on your highest desires and dreams, so you can feel confident and excited about what you’re creating for yourself in this next chapter (value: $1997.00)


  • A 3 hour VIP Virtual Intensive – where we create your signature talk, map out your offers from pricing, to delivery, infusing all of your gifts, talents and skill. You’ll walk away with everything you need to step on stage in front of strangers and walk away with fans, paying clients and mad confidence! (value: $3997.00)


  • A Free Ticket to the Rise Live Event happening in Portland, Oregon in October – Remember I told you I got support from an expert who could help timid little me? Well that support first came from this event and I want to invite you to attend WITH ME (yes, I still go every year, to keep building that muscle). Being live in the room will help boost your confidence and help you believe you can do this. Plus Kristin (who runs the event) has so much heart and ongoing support, even if you sign up for the event and can’t attend, you’ll get all the freebies and recordings from the event sent to your inbox. (retail: $997.00)


  • 3 Follow-Up Support Calls to Maximize Your VIP Intensive Day – I’m not going to leave you hanging, you have my full ongoing support. These calls are designed to help you course correct, tweak, update and hone everything you learned and designed during your Virtual Intensive. I want you to be able to take what you learned “on the road” while still having my attention and support to help guide you along your path. (value $1997.00 each)


  • Bonus Content:
    • You’ll get scripts on how to book speaking gigs, so you can start generating the revenue right away! (value $197.00)
    • You’ll learn an easy way to remember your talking points, so you don’t have to fear going blank when you’re standing in front of an audience (value $97.00)
    • Access to a mastermind of other speakers who are already booking conferences, workshop series, and paid speaking gigs successfully who you can partner with, swap resources with and get support from. (value $997.00)


Since there is a 1-on-1 element to the Speak Brave Bundle, spots are extremely limited.  Spots are going on a first-come, first-serve basis. You’ll want to snag your spot soon, so you can get your profit plan, and signature talk all mapped out as soon as possible!

To Enroll: 

You Have Two Options To Make It Easy To Say “YES!” To Your Dreams



  • When you pay in full you’ll get an Additional Private Session with Me  + A Private Session with Speaker Trainer & Coach Kristin Thompson (value $9997.00)
  • Or if you need to make the payments a bit easier to roll into your monthly budget, you can enroll with our generous pay plan. Note: payments are processed on a bi-monthly basis


Once you’ve enrolled you’ll be taken to a page where you can schedule Visioning Call ASAP!


If you have any questions please email us at hello[@]jennifercovington[dot]com or set up a call with Coach Covington here


Imagine Overcoming This Fear & Ending 2019:

  • Having reached your income goals that were only once a dream 
  • Having speaking gigs on your calendar every month even through 2020
  • Having the confidence you know how to attract clients on a demand in an authentic and predictable way

This can all be yours now when you say ‘yes’ and enroll today! 



Q: What if I can’t attend the live event in October? 

A: Even if you can’t attend the event live, you’ll receive all the materials, freebies, templates, worksheets and streaming footage of a Rise Live event so you can follow along


Q: Are there refunds available?

A: Do to the 1-on-1 nature of this offer + the “all in attitude” that is required, there are no refunds for the Speak Brave Bundle. We’re committed to your growth and we know that you can do this. We’ve never have a client fail to increase their income when they follow the steps of the program

Q: What if I need more training than what’s outlined above

A: We have a full library of business strainings, Q&A calls, and host regular group intensive trainings. If there’s something more you need, just ask, we likely already have a class on it, and if we don’t we’ll invite you to the next upcoming live intensive training where you get to pick the topic you’d like us to cover! How’s that for hands-on, customized attention! 


Q: I still have questions, can I email you or hop on the phone?

A: Yes, please email us hello[@]jennifercovington[dot]com


You're In!