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October 17, 2018

Your Bestselling Book Bootcamp! It’s time to take your expertise, knowledge & passion and turn it into a bestselling book  The time is now, you can complete your bestselling book in 60 Days or less…I’ll show you how…. Imagine: Getting that message that is in your head and heart, out into the world, finally Touching lives of […]

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Your Bestselling Book Bootcamp!

It’s time to take your expertise, knowledge & passion and turn it into a bestselling book 

The time is now, you can complete your bestselling book in 60 Days or less…I’ll show you how….


  • Getting that message that is in your head and heart, out into the world, finally
  • Touching lives of people all over the globe for years, decades, even centuries to come
  • Receiving ongoing passive income day after day, month after month, with ease
  • Getting the respect and admiration you deserve as an expert and thought leader in your field
  • Waking up every day knowing that you’re making a positive impact on the world with your passion, knowledge, and expertise

I know you can see it clear as day, right now, because you’ve been telling yourself you’re going to write your book “this year” for many years…

You tell your girlfriends at brunch

You post it on your vision board

You write “bestselling author” by your name in your journal

…and yet the years go by…and no book..

Let’s put an end to that today!

Here’s what I know about your situation…

  • You deserve to be seen and heard
  • The world needs your message
  • If you could accomplish this goal alone, you would have done it already….

That’s why I put together an implementation focused Bestselling Book Bootcamp to help you write and launch your book in 60 Days or less!

YOUR BESTSELLING BOOK BOOTCAMP is a comprehensive, A-Z style, step-by-step training designed to walk you through the process of writing your impactful, insightful, non-fiction bestseller. The program shows you exactly how to organize, write, publish, and launch your bestselling book.  This program is best suited for coaches, speakers, healers, experts, and creative entrepreneurs who want need to get their message out to the world via the written word. As long as you have experience and a level of expertise in your zone of genius you can benefit from this program. I’ll personally walk you through my 7 Step Bestselling System so in 8 weeks or less you can write and publish your book that not only helps people solve their problems, but provides you with a passive income as well. #WinWin

The Biggest Problem People Face When It Comes To Writing Their Book Is ‘Time’…

That’s why this program is IMPLEMENTATION FOCUSED, meaning, I’m with you every step of the way providing support to ensure you actually write the book!! Here’s what your Path to Publishing looks like:

Week 0: The Foundation

Once you enroll, you get immediate access to the pre-work that will help you begin implementing your bestsellers strategy to ensure at the end of 8 weeks you receive a flood of readers and purchases. You’ll learn how to pick a bestselling topic you love to ensure the rest of your journey is easy-peasy You’ll begin laying the foundation to make all your bestselling dreams come true!



Week 1: The Gold

What you bring to the table is pure gold and we want to bring that to the surface. In this week you learn how to take your knowledge and personal gems and spin them into what will soon become your bestselling book. This week you’ll also get to mine for gold in the form of research, discovery, and inspiration. At this stage, every idea gets to see the light of day. Play and discovery is highly encouraged here.



Week 2: The Framework

If you’ve attempted to write a book, got started but never finished, it may be because you skipped this step.  You must lay the foundation and framework in a certain way to ensure you complete your book. While this is the week you’ll want to gloss over, THIS is where the magic actually happens. We’ll work together to create your framework in a way that inspires and excites you and guarantees your book will be completed.



Week 3: The Gaps

This is where you get to see how easy it is to write and complete your book. An additional bonus is you’ll realize you’re halfway to the finish line. Here’s where you’re going to add some meat to the foundation you laid by filling in the gaps that exist. Since we’re basing this book off of your passion, knowledge, and expertise, you’ll be done with this step in a snap!



Week 4: The Fun Part

Of course, this is all fun, but this week is a full on party! Not only will you be bringing your book to life, I’m going to host a (virtual) writing day retreat, where you can get ‘er done in a major way. Yep, you + me + your writing cohorts are going to sit in virtual circle to show your word count who’s boss. This week, we squash all fears of “what if I can’t finish my book” and instead make magic happen!



Week 5: The Once-Over

Don’t be afraid of putting less than amazing work out into the world. That’s not going to happen. This week we make sure your writing, thoughts and book organization is on point. We’ll use your eyes and the eyes of others to ensure you can be proud of what you’re putting out there. We want you to feel safe, happy and ecstatic about this body of work you’ve created.



Week 6: The ‘Flava’

Here’s where we add the sabor, the flavor, the zing, the sizzle. This is the week we shine it up and polish it off to make sure your bestselling book SHINES. You’ve made it over the hump and now it’s time to drive up the fun and creativity. See, I told you, this is a fun and simple process once you get someone to help you through it!



Week 7: The Launch

3,2,1, Blast-Off! It’s now or never! It’s time to put your book out in the world!! It’s time to gift the world with your brilliance and hard work. Of course, there’s a strategy to how to best do that, so you’ll get the step-by-step rundown of how to do that this week. Give yourself a high-five and a hug. You JUST WROTE AND LAUNCHED YOUR BOOK!!!



Here’s exactly what you get when you join Your Bestselling Book Bootcamp

8 step-by-step core trainings walking you through exactly how to go from idea to bestselling book


Easy to use done-for-you worksheets, checklists, and support materials designed to accelerate your results.


Instant access to a global community of world-changers and idea generators like you


Designed with your lifestyle in mind, 24/7 access to the trainings and customer support forum


One virtual writing day retreat held via Zoom, so we can interact, ask questions and WRITE in community

It’s Time to Get Your Bestseller Out Into The World

Choose the best Plan That Works for You


The Time Is Now

Once you’ve graduated from this program you’ll have:

  • A bestselling book you can be proud of
  • A launch plan you can rinse and repeat for you subsequent books
  • A supportive & engaged community that can rate and review your current and next books
  • The sense of accomplishment you finally wrote and sold your book
  • …and really so much more!

No More Wishing And Hoping, You Can Make It Happen Today. 

Choose Which Plan Works Best For You And Let’s Get This Party Started Today!


Your Information is safe with us and powered by PayPal

Note: Due to the fast-paced nature of this program there are no refunds, we want you to be fully committed to yourself, your book and this program. 

About Me: Hi I’m Jennifer and I’m a life coach and business strategist. I am the creator of several successful online programs such as The Soul-Centered Business Creator and the Be Your Own Boss Bootcamp and have been honored to be featured on several online publications such as Thrive Global, The Huffington Post, and Wild Sister Magazine. I’ve worked with Fortune 500 companies, non-profit organizations, and I even lived in Ecuador teaching small business development to orphaned teens and single mothers.That’s why I know, no matter who you are or what stage you’re in, I can help you achieve your dreams. Today, my joy is working with coaches, therapists, healers, and creative entrepreneurs helping them build successful, sustainable, soul-centered businesses from the ground up.

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