Here’s what I use to keep this operation running like a well-oiled (profitable) machine 😉


 I get my hosting through BlueHost and I recommend them to EVERYONE!

Customer service is SUCH a big deal to me (espeically when it has to do with any thing technical). BlueHost has saved my tail on a number of  occassions and for that reason I’ll never leave them!

When I was living in Ecuador their chat feature saved my life and I was actually able to DIY my website in thos early years. I can’t recommend BlueHost enough.

If you sign-up through this page (just the icon on the left) you get a free website set-up session with me!)*


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Oh WebinarJam, how I love thee! Webinars are absolutely how I grew my list and my business in 2014. Again, I’m not tech savvy (#commonthread) and WebinarJam, not only makes it easier to host an online training live, they make you look pro and in control.

Also, their customer service is SO on point and ready to assist you at a drop of a hat. I don’t know about you but my tech meltdowns happen moments before I’m going live!

I’ve helped my fellow entrepreneur friends with other webinar platforms and they are SO complicated. I haven’t come across anything as powerful and easy as WebinarJam.

If you decide to sign-up for WebinarJam, go through my site and you get a free set-up session with me!*


*indicate affiliate associations which means, if you purchase through my link, I gain a little commission and you gain additional support from me!

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