Obsessed with this song. Freakin’ obsessed! I thought I would get over it after hearing it for the first time in May on the Ellen Show, but I have whole days when this baby is on repeat keeping me pumped up, encouraged and left feeling somehow understood.

But this song is about partying and living a life of indulgence, what’s that gotta do with me?! And more importantly what’s that gotta do with you!?

Well, lyrics like, “I’m holding on for dear life , won’t look down, won’t open my eyes, cause I’m just holding on for tonight…”  pretty much sums up how it feels sometimes to be an entrepreneur.

To me, the “chandelier” represents your dream. It’s big, it’s shiny, it’s beautiful and you’ve finally had the courage to take hold of that dream and see it through to the to end, because your fulfillment and joy depend on it.

The thing about a chandelier, at least in all movie themes, is that it’s always hanging on by a thread, right?! There’s always that tension that it can break and fall at any minute. In Sia’s song, I always get the image of a girl sitting on a chandelier swinging back and forth, back and forth, aware of the precarious situation she’s in, but also so desperate to just make it work, ‘cause she’s in too deep and there’s no getting off now.

Whew, can you relate?

You’ve invested so much time and money into your business it’s just GOTTA work out. Plus, you can’t imagine going back to the office, the cubicle or any other unfulfilling way of life.  Even if you wanted to jump off (which you feel like sometimes you do) HOW would you even do it!? Should you jump off and go back to a “normal” life?  Should you bail and forget the whole thing? Do you really think the chord that’s holding you up is surely going to break?

I SO get it, trust me I do (and so does Sia!) but believe me, it may seem like you’re holding onto a thread, but be assured you’re being supported by so much more.

Your idea, your dream, your vision, the one that keeps you up at night and stirs your soul, was given to you by Divine Assignment; it’s not by accident. You have a message to get out to the world. The fact that you have a burning desire to see it through is your proof that there is a population out there in the world just waiting on your message. There is a group out there that NEEDS to hear what you have to share, and the longer you wait to bring it into fruition the longer they will be searching for the answer. And YOU (and only you) possess that answer.

Now does that sound like only a thread to you? I don’t think so!

So keep that in mind the next time you feel like you’re swinging from a chandelier, only grasping onto a dream that may not work out. You’re onto something super important and you’re in a more stable position than you think.

(And for those times when you feel like no one gets you. Read this blog post while bumping “Chandelier” on repeat like I do 😉 )

If you’re on fire with an idea, but you’re not sure what steps you need to take to bring it to life, sign up for a free strategy call with me so we can sort it out together. It is my mission to make sure that world changing entrepreneurs see their vision through to the end, so chatting with you and setting you up with a plan is my hearts highest desire.

It’s free, it’s powerful and it can change the course of your life for the better. Don’t be shy, sign up here and I look forward to talking to you soon!

“Hang” in there,
Jennifer 😉

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