Hey Sista,

How’s your September going so far? Hopefully you were able to incorporate the tips I shared with you in Part 1 of the 10 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Prepare for the End of the Year 3-Part Series.

Don’t know what I’m talking about?

You can check out Part 1 here and start implementing those ideas right away.

If you’re all caught up, then you’re ready to keep going. Today we’re talking about Ways #3-#6

Way #3

Schedule What You Want
Now you want to schedule in what you want to create in your life and business.  Schedule in what you want to experience. This is a manifestation principle as well as a very practical principle.

On one hand, energetically, when you attempt to make room for what you want, you may find that you didn’t have space in your schedule for it in the first place! This is your first clue as to why it hasn’t shown up in your life thus far. Also, this observation will force you to make a decision about what has to go and what gets to stay. It gives you the opportunity to see  how much you really want the thing you’re declaring you want and forces you to priorities your highest desires.

In a practical sense, you of course need to make a plan and make space for what you want and schedule in what you want. You’ve heard it before, but I’ll state it here for emphasis, “What doesn’t get scheduled doesn’t get accomplished”. So be sure to make room in your schedule for what you want as you plan out these next several months of the year.

Implement this today:
Make a list of the activities and outcomes you want to experience for the rest of the year.
Make room for them in your calendar and schedule them in.

Way #4

Meditate, Pray & Contemplate
Take a moment away from DOING and just sit and connect with that inside voice. Get quiet and let your Higher Power, Source, GOD (whatever you call it), speak to you and just listen. When you incorporate your insights and inspiration into your work, you really come from a enlightened resourced place. Not only is that important for you, but that’s what really makes your work connect with your audience. It’s also the thing that will have your work feel on Purpose versus just going through the motions. This is how you can stay out of that hustle mode at the end of the year and instead finish it off with in a state of alignment and flow.

Implement this today:
Take some time out to connect with your Higher Power. Maybe you create space every morning, or maybe you just make a special appointment to envision what you’re manifesting for the remainder of the year. There’s no wrong way to do this, just be sure you do it.

Way #5

Stay Encouraged:
As the year dwindles down you will hear a lot of “end of the year talk” which naturally instills a sense of panic and scarcity. Your anxiety levels may rise and you may start feeling like nothing you do is enough. That’s why I’m telling you now to come up with ways to stay encouraged. Doubt is going to creep in, but don’t let it build up residence in your psyche. Come up with practices, rituals and methods that keep you in a positive state of mind. That’s going to be a game changer and a life saver as you finish up the rest of this year.

Implement this today:
Reflect on what in the past has  kept you encouraged, inspired and motivated. Create a list of your most effective practices and it  somewhere where you can refer to it often. Look back on this list and implement the activities and mindsets you have written down and use them to stay encouraged. (Pro Tip: Don’t have a regular source of inspiration? Click here for some free resources + a way to stay connected to this space that’s FULL of inspiration!)

Way #6

Hold yourself Accountable :
The best part of being your own boss is that you get to call the shots and do what you want to do when you want to do it. The flip side to that freedom is that it’s also really easy to wiggle out of being fully accountable when the buck stops with you. When only you know your schedule and your “to dos” it’s easy to fudge deadlines, not follow through with what you told yourself you were going to do, go into hiding and really the list goes on. So, it’s essential that you create a practice around being held accountable.

Declare what you’re going to do and then DO IT.

As an ambitious accomplished woman, I already know the record that’s playing in your head. “I should have the discipline to do this myself. I’ll just dig my heels in and make it happen”. The truth is you’re working against your human nature and it’s okay to get support in this area. What you want to do instead of “shoulding” on yourself is this:

  • Get a coach
  • Get an accountibilibuddy
  • Find a mastermind group
  • Announce your goals out loud on social media
  • Set up a practice where you have to show up and report (if even to yourself) as a check in on a regular basis

The point is you need to create a structure, a boundary, a container where you’re held accountable somehow. Without that in place you’ll be like a captainless ship on the sea, bouncing along the waves with no direction at all. We can’t have that! Your work is too important so get those Accountability structures in place ASAP.

Implement this today:
Create several accountability structures that support your highest desires and dreams.

Need more support with this? I’ll be talking about how to stay accountable in your business and get incredible results in a way that feels natural, fun and fulfilling to you tomorrow during this free online event. If you haven’t already, register here for free and snag your seat. I’ll be leaving time for you to ask me questions so you want to show up LIVE!

Can’t wait to see you there!

P.S. Stay tuned for Part 3, it’s comin’ at cha next week!

You're In!