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I help transformational professionals generate consistent $10K months in sales without sleazy sales, constant hustle and inauthentic marketing. Explore articles to help you.

Good Vibes Only

Good Vibes Only

Keep it Positive. Like attracts like.  Be a magnet for what you want by keeping your vibes high. You got this!!

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Shine On!

Shine On!

Journal Prompt: Write down 5 areas in you need to turn up the wattage on how brightly you shine. No more shrinking or holding back. It's time to Shine, On!! You got this!!

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Did you get your free gifts yet?

Did you get your free gifts yet?

I’m circling back to make sure you got the free gifts I gathered just for you. If you didn’t get my message last week, I shared some exciting news with you. I’m hosting The Purpose to Profit Toolkit Giveaway and have gathered several savvy, heart-centered entrepreneurial women just for you! We all...

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The goal isn't to be "fearless", the goal is to "feel the fear and do it anyway" Journal Prompt: What's one thing you'll do today, that maybe fills you with fear but you have the courage to push through anyway? Would love to hear what you come up with in the comments below. You got this!!

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I have something for you that you don’t want to miss…

I have something for you that you don’t want to miss…

Get excited, because this isn’t going to cost you anything and you can enjoy as much as you want! Just keep in mind, it’s not going to last forever, so you want to hop on it now. What am I talking about? I’m talking about the much anticipated, Purpose to Profit Toolkit Giveaway, hosted by me, your...

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Make It Happen

Make It Happen

Journal Prompt: Sometimes ain't nothin' to it, but to do it. What can you put into action, today, that will get you closer to your dreams? Pro Tip: Declare what it is in the comments below to 10X the power behind your intention Now go 'Make It Happen'

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Right Outside This Zone…

Right Outside This Zone…

Journal Prompt: Where in your life are you staying within your comfort zone? What's one specific way you can step out of your comfort zone this week? Pro Tip: Share your answer in the comments for increased accountability You got this!!

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This Will Open Up A World Of Possibility To You

This Will Open Up A World Of Possibility To You

How’s your 2019 strategic planning going? Have you started thinking about that yet? I’ve been traveling a lot of the past few weeks which always leads me to dreaming and scheming on what I want to experience, feel, and create for the future, so I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to create...

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Right On Time…

Right On Time…

Keep in mind, everything you've experienced up to this point is preparing you for the journey ahead. Mantra: Everything is happening for me, not to me. Can't wait to see what you create!

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To Live A Creative Life…

To Live A Creative Life…

Let go of perfectionism, the need to be right and the fear of criticism. You got this! Journal Prompt: In what area of your life are you letting perfectionism keep you from your dreams? Pro Tip: For additional accountability, leave your answer in the comments. You got this!!

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Free Training

Launch Your Soul Centered Business Online

Get access to this free training where you learn how to leverage your Online Space to Increase Your Visibility, Attract More Clients & Amp Up Your Income.