How’s your 2019 strategic planning going?

Have you started thinking about that yet?

I’ve been traveling a lot of the past few weeks which always leads me to dreaming and scheming on what I want to experience, feel, and create for the future, so I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to create in 2019.

The great thing about considering all of that right now is that you still have time to make things happen THIS year!

So whether you’ve been thinking about it already or not, here are some prompts to get you dreaming up what you want to create now and in the new year.

  1. What did you rock out on this year?
  2. What came easily?
  3. What didn’t work that well?
  4. Why didn’t it work well?
  5. If you had a magic wand what would you create in your life and business next year?
  6. What do you want to experience in 2019?

Simple prompts, yet, these questions can open up a world of possibility to you.

So whip out your journal or Google Doc now and write down your answers to these questions.

Extra bonus points if you comment below and share your answers with me, I’d love to hear what you’re up to!

Sending tons of love,

You're In!