Be sure you catch Part 1 of this series, before continuing on, there’s so much to unpack with this topic.

Reason number two. You attract committed clients. When we are discussing the topic of higher fees and whatever you deem that to be, when you start charging higher fees you attract a more committed client. When people are investing in themselves through your program and through your services, they are on the line and they are feeling it. And they are really committed.

As coaches, healers, transformational professionals, conscious business owners, you know what it’s like to offer something for free. People, when they get your service for free, typically don’t do what you tell them to do. They don’t go through the change process, because when it gets difficult, they don’t really have any skin in the game. But when you start charging higher fees, and people are on the line, they show up in a major way because they have invested in themselves. And I would just like to make a note about that, too. A lot of the women business owners that I work with, feel as though they’re taking money from … but I would love to give you a different perspective. When people are paying you for your services, they’re not giving you money, they’re actually investing in themselves through the transformation that you provide. You’re actually given people an opportunity to invest in themselves and make a new choice.

Of course, you guys are going to have a dialogue about where’s this perspective client? Where are they now? Where do they want to be? And do you offer something that can change their life? If you can, you’re giving them the opportunity to invest in themselves and really make a change. So, you can absolutely have no fear charging what you’re worth because you’re absolutely providing an atmosphere for people to invest in themselves, play big and get results through the transformation that you provide.

Hopefully you’re getting the hang of it now and you’re picking up what I’m putting down. Stay tuned for Part 3 coming at you soon, so you can finally feel great about charging for your services once and for all.

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