OMG, the year is flying by, can you even believe it?

Around this time of year, I start thinking of the future, what I want the next 12 months to look like. My strategy brain goes into hyperdrive and I get filled with the spirit of new possibilities and growth. 

What about you?

How are you feeling as the year draws to an end?

Are you filled with a feeling of accomplishment?

A feeling of dread?

Maybe a feeling of, “argh, there’s not enough tiiiimmmeee”

Well, no matter where this message finds you today, I’ve created a list of 10 ways you can prepare for the end of the year, so that you can still experience some “wins” right now and set yourself up for success next year as well.

Because the good news is:

There’s still plenty of time to create and manifest exactly what you want This.Year.

Since I know we’re all busy, for your convenience, I’ve broken this list into a 11 part series, because there’s still plenty of time to make your dreams come true this year. By breaking the info into bite sized-chunks, you can work take action on each implementation item each and every week! 

Prepare For The End Of The Year With Power 11-Part Series

1. Get Clear on your Vision

Everything ain’t for everybody and that’s the good news. We don’t all want the same things nor do we have the same desires. While the world will try to sway you into thinking there’s a ‘right’ way you life should look, the reality is you’re the creator of your destiny and you influence the outcomes. Yes, there are circumstances outside of our control and if you don’t know where you’re heading, any road will take you there.

So, get clear on what you want on a day to day basis. How do you want to feel? What do you want to see? How do you express your life’s work? If you want a deep dive into how to do this, plus learn how to create your business around your highest desire and deepest vision, you may want to check out this program that walks you through exactly how to do that. 

Implement This Today:

Set some time aside where you can get some quiet and go inward. Whether it’s walking along the ocean contemplating or in a quiet room meditating. Get to the space where you feel most expansive, more optimistic, and most creative and really think and feel into the ultimate vision you have for your life and business. Write it down, record it on your phone, or capture it in some way, so that next week you’re ready for the next part of this series.

You're In!