I chose to end this month about Productivity with this post. It’s about being kind to yourself, living in the flow and enjoying life.

In this new digital age, we are not about “the bottom line” as much as we are about creating a lifestyle. So while being productive in a day is essential for those making Dreams come true, it can’t be the end all be all.

There is a point where being too obsessed with productivity can result in becoming unproductive. That can be the most frustrating outcome of all when all you want it to produce results.

That is why I say it is important to know when Enough is Enough.


Don’t Continue To Swim Against The Tide

Sometimes we get so headstrong about one way to do something that we just swim against the current and wear ourselves out. There is a definite natural flow to the Universe and it should be honored. Sometimes when you just surrender, say enough is enough and go with the flow, your outcome reveals itself. Sure, it may not in the way you may have envisioned, but it will occur in the most natural way possible. A way to stay in the flow, is to focus on the outcome but stay detached to the “How” it will all come to pass. You will find yourself swimming against the current less and more in the flow.


Listen to Your Intuition

Listen to that genius voice inside of you. I know you wrote on your calendar to have the book complete by September 2nd, but if it appears that road blocks keep popping up at every turn, there may be something to that. You have to dig deep and listen to your intuition. Is it the Universe telling you to go a different way or is it time to dig deep and over come those obstacles. It’s frustrating but only your Higher Self knows the truth. Set up practices that get you in tune with your Intuition so you know when to go harder and when Enough is Enough.


Timing is Everything

You can execute all of the tricks you know to be the most productive person on the Earth, however, you must take timing into consideration. Synchronicity is just as important as your efforts. Now, I am not suggesting sitting around to do nothing, because you have to do the work to get yourself in the right place at the right time. However, if you find yourself hitting your head against the wall, frustrated because things are happening the way you want, just keep in mind that timing is everything. Keep walking your direct path to Destiny in faith and when it’s the right time, things will blossom just as they should.


Be Kind To Yourself

All in all be kind to yourself. This is always my biggest challenge. I have no problem driving myself into the ground in the name of dedication and productivity. What I do need work on is being kind to myself. What is the point of being seemingly productive, if you are worn out, grumpy with a furrowed brow at the end of the day. Being all stressed out talking about “I’m trying to make the world a better place” makes no sense. Your inner peace and good vibrations do more healing good to the world than you being an efficient task master any day. Remember that and always be kind to yourself above all else.

Do you have any other ideas to share when acknowledging when Enough is Enough? Please share in the comments below. If you enjoyed this article please sign up for the newsletter to get tips, inspiration and freebies. Also, be sure to “like” the Facebook Page and follow along on Twitter.


In Love, Light & Kindess,






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