How To Survive The Holidays, With Grace & Ease

How To Survive The Holidays, With Grace & Ease

How To Survive The Holidays, With Grace & Ease Tune in Now Fact: The holidays are upon on us and no matter what you celebrate, what you...
It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like This

It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like This

Today I’ve got to make a plea for something that I know you need in your business in order to have profitability, to have connection, and to build community. But it’s so unpopular and it’s seen as old school at this point. As we’re in this new...
End of the year got you down?

End of the year got you down?

How’s it been going? How ya feeling? It’s the final countdown to the end of the year, so I wanted to check in on your heart, your energy, and see how you’re feeling about the goals you set this year. I know the pull is to check out around this time...
The road ahead… what will you choose?

The road ahead… what will you choose?

As the year winds down I’m sure you’re in a state of deep reflection. Everyone is eager to close the chapter on this year, so they can start anew for 2022 And while we maybe haven’t spoken one-to-one (though maybe we have!) – I know a thing or...