It’s just around the corner — you ready?

It’s just around the corner — you ready?

Hey Sis, Checking in since last time we connected. I’m always thinking about your dreams, your goals, and all you want to achieve in your life and business. While we all get thrown off focus from time to time, I want to be sure you’re still on course to making your...
Do THIS before anything else

Do THIS before anything else

Hi Sista! Checking in on you as there’s been a ton going on in the world and I know you feel it all! How’s your heart? How’s your energy? How’s your spirit holding up? Spring has sprung in the US which brings the energy of decluttering, cleaning out, and...
Emotions running high, how are you feeling?

Emotions running high, how are you feeling?

Checking in to see how you’re doing and sharing a bit about how I felt yesterday. This week is all coaching calls for me, so I didn’t even ‘tune into the news’ (i.e. check Instagram) until later in the day. Once I did, I saw SO much celebrating over the news that...