Why Going The Extra Mile, Isn’t Just A Cliché

Why Going The Extra Mile, Isn’t Just A Cliché

On a scale of 1-10 how sick are you of reading about how it’s November and the year is almost over?   I know it elicits panic and feelings like, “oh em gee, time has officially run out!”   I get it, I have had those thoughts too, but I want to share an...
What Being A Good Coach *Doesn’t* Mean

What Being A Good Coach *Doesn’t* Mean

It doesn’t mean you have to be perfect It doesn’t mean you have all the answers It doesn’t mean you’re a demi-god It doesn’t mean you don’t have stretch marks It doesn’t mean you only eat kale It doesn’t mean you meditate all morning, every morning It doesn’t mean you...
Don’t Worry You’re Not Being A “Pitch”

Don’t Worry You’re Not Being A “Pitch”

  I see this all over the interwebs and it perplexes me every time.   “Book a session with me. Pitch free, no strings attached!”   “Join my 60 minutes pitch free webinar!”   “Come to my weekend workshop, pitch free, no selling guaranteed”  ...
Warning: Superman had Kyptonite and You Have This

Warning: Superman had Kyptonite and You Have This

I was chatting with one of my sistergirl-bestie-partner-in-shine-super-friends the other day and she, being the super creative visionary she is, was outlining BIG plans we have for a collabrative project we’re working on. Well me, being the dedicated task...