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I help transformational professionals generate consistent $10K months in sales without sleazy sales, constant hustle and inauthentic marketing. Explore articles to help you.

Always Remember…

Always Remember…

  Journal Prompt: Write down 10 things that make you absolutely AMAZING!!  Pro Tip: If there's a particular area that you're feeling particularly inadequate about, write things under that theme. You got this!!

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Times like these make you really focus on what is important…

Times like these make you really focus on what is important…

Last Friday, my hubby and I took some time off the grid (read: no cell phone service) to just be in nature and connect with friends. Weeks prior I could tell I was engaging in a lot of output for friends and family and wasn’t filling my cup as I needed to. I know how important self-care is, so we...

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Start Living, Today

Start Living, Today

"Don't put off tomorrow, what you can do today." Journal Prompt: Write down one thing you can do today that will bring you closer to your dreams. Action Step: Plot a date and time on your calendar when you're going to get it done.  Feel free to share in the comments below to further hold yourself...

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Do You Have Money & Abundance Hiding In Plain Sight?

Do You Have Money & Abundance Hiding In Plain Sight?

Hey Sista, How’s everything going in your world? I’m so happy to be back home after traveling to the East Coast for a conference where I was invited to speak. Don’t get me wrong, I love to travel, but as a wise woman once said, “there’s no place like home.” I’m also SO happy it’s September. As you...

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A Conversation That Will Soothe Your Soul

A Conversation That Will Soothe Your Soul

Are you a lightworker? A healer? A transformational professional of some kind? Are you feeling heavy with the weight of the world and all the unrest that is happening right now? Do you ever wonder what you can do, how you should show up and how to manage being IN the reality of the world, yet not...

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Here’s how to live a life without limits…

Here’s how to live a life without limits…

You know when you know exactly what you should do, but for some reason you don’t do it. You self-sabotage… You procrastinate... You hesitate…. ...and then promise yourself you’ll do better tomorrow… So. Frustrating. The good news is, it’s not your fault. It’s your mind playing tricks on you. If...

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In a Soul-Sucking Job? I’ve Got A Gift For You!

In a Soul-Sucking Job? I’ve Got A Gift For You!

It’s been brought to my attention that folks are feeling like their day job is feeling like a soul-sucking situation. After being in my business for almost a decade now (hard to believe!) I almost forgot that feeling! Now, some folks working a day job may not feel it’s draining their soul, but...

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Free Training

Launch Your Soul Centered Business Online

Get access to this free training where you learn how to leverage your Online Space to Increase Your Visibility, Attract More Clients & Amp Up Your Income.