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I help transformational professionals generate consistent $10K months in sales without sleazy sales, constant hustle and inauthentic marketing. Explore articles to help you.

Big News! I Quit My Day Job!

Big News! I Quit My Day Job!

  This is a text I got from one my of my wonderful clients as I headed out the door for an afternoon jog last week.   “Big News!! I put in my notice at the day job today. I woke up with butterflies in my stomach and even though I knew I wanted to book two more weddings before I made this...

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In Gratitude

In Gratitude

No matter where you reside in the world, this time of year brings about the theme of gratitude and allows us to take a moment to reflect on our blessings. So, I wanted to take this time out to say THANK YOU to you for reading these words and all the words I've sent out in the past. I really do...

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Why 2017 Is Your Time…

Why 2017 Is Your Time…

  With so much happening in the media and our world, I'm clear it's time for the heart-centered, visionaries, dreamers and mission-driven entrepreneurs (or wannabe entrepreneurs) to stand up and shine their light even brighter than before.   2017 is the year of the Dreamer (and that...

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How To Boost Your Morale As We Approach The End Of The Year

How To Boost Your Morale As We Approach The End Of The Year

Happy November! Can you even believe it? It’s already the end of the year and it feels like time has flown by. I’m on my way to Mexico to celebrate my bestie who is getting married in Cancun. Being in this vibe of celebration, it got me thinking of how we all roll in our lives. Typically, we’re...

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What To Do When The Emotional Vampires Come For You

What To Do When The Emotional Vampires Come For You

Do you ever get invited out to a group setting where you know that emotional vampire will surely to be?   Maybe it’s an old circle of friends that has one person that you don’t get along with anymore   Perhaps it’s a co-worker that’s in your same department, but you’d rather not hang...

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My Love Affair With The Confident Woman: By Melanie Kluger

My Love Affair With The Confident Woman: By Melanie Kluger

My mission has always been to make women feel great.  Even as a little girl, I used to compliment my mothers friends on their clothes.  What can I say; I live for the moment a woman lights up from a compliment.  The older I became, the more I realized what a profound impact clothes and feeling...

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