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I help transformational professionals generate consistent $10K months in sales without sleazy sales, constant hustle and inauthentic marketing. Explore articles to help you.
Big News! I Quit My Day Job!
This is a text I got from one my of my wonderful clients as I headed out the door for an afternoon jog last week. “Big News!! I put in my notice at the day job today. I woke up with butterflies in my stomach and even though I knew I wanted to book two more weddings before I made this...
The One Where I Share My Secrets On How To Gain Clients, Confidence & Community
OMG, I’m super excited! I have something I’ve been wanting to share with you for awhile. I’ve put together a little something where I spill the beans about: How the blindspots in my business were revealed to me and how it resulted in increased money, visibility and opportunities The #1 thing I was...
How To Achieve Your Next Level Of Greatness
Happy December! I hope your month is off to a great start and you’re already dreaming and scheming for 2017. I wanted to breeze by with a helpful nugget for...
In Gratitude
No matter where you reside in the world, this time of year brings about the theme of gratitude and allows us to take a moment to reflect on our blessings. So, I wanted to take this time out to say THANK YOU to you for reading these words and all the words I've sent out in the past. I really do...
Why 2017 Is Your Time…
With so much happening in the media and our world, I'm clear it's time for the heart-centered, visionaries, dreamers and mission-driven entrepreneurs (or wannabe entrepreneurs) to stand up and shine their light even brighter than before. 2017 is the year of the Dreamer (and that...
How To Boost Your Morale As We Approach The End Of The Year
Happy November! Can you even believe it? It’s already the end of the year and it feels like time has flown by. I’m on my way to Mexico to celebrate my bestie who is getting married in Cancun. Being in this vibe of celebration, it got me thinking of how we all roll in our lives. Typically, we’re...
What To Do When The Emotional Vampires Come For You
Do you ever get invited out to a group setting where you know that emotional vampire will surely to be? Maybe it’s an old circle of friends that has one person that you don’t get along with anymore Perhaps it’s a co-worker that’s in your same department, but you’d rather not hang...
Want to know the secret to Freedom & Fulfillment in your business?
Hey Now! I hope this note finds you in great spirits and in a dreamy mood. I’m so happy that you loved getting the Be Your Own Boss Backpack Resource Guide. I poured my heart and soul in it for you and the feedback has been awesome! If you didn’t get a chance to check it out, you can grab it here....
My Love Affair With The Confident Woman: By Melanie Kluger
My mission has always been to make women feel great. Even as a little girl, I used to compliment my mothers friends on their clothes. What can I say; I live for the moment a woman lights up from a compliment. The older I became, the more I realized what a profound impact clothes and feeling...
3 Important Life Lessons From The Woods of Big Sur OR How To Prioritize Your Next (Much Deserved) Vacation
As you may know, I spent a portion of August off the grid to get away from it all, unplug oh, and get married to the love of my life 🙂 For our honeymoon we camped Big Sur and the Pismo Beach area and we kept marveling over HOW freakin’ good it felt to have nothing to do but just BE. Or...
Longing for freedom and fulfillment in your business? This is what you need…First.
You’re not trying to make a quick buck You’re not just hopping on the latest trend You’re not trying to “crush the competition” And you’re certainly not trying to work around that clock You want a business, yes, but not in the old sense of the word. When you say you want to grow your...
How To Plan Your Wedding in 7 Days (Not Less) OR How To NOT To Be An Overnight Success
Want to listen instead of read? Click the media player below for the audio version: [divider] You know how folks out in "InternetLand" like to act like an overnight success? How I got 70,000 subscribers in 2 days, how I went from 0 to 6 figures in 30 minutes. Well this post is kinda like...