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I help transformational professionals generate consistent $10K months in sales without sleazy sales, constant hustle and inauthentic marketing. Explore articles to help you.

What’s Your GPA?

What’s Your GPA?

The world is made up of few different people   Those who set the best goals by dreaming up something wonderful to do some day, but they don’t make a plan and they never take action on those goals…   Those who are always running and gunning. Who get inspired and take action, but never...

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Is Being Too Smart Keeping You From Your Dreams?

Is Being Too Smart Keeping You From Your Dreams?

Pictures of planners, calendars with post-its sprinkled this way and that.  Monthly goals, weekly, goals, daily goals. SMART Goals. January is a happy, goal-setting month for most, but for some that can feel like a drag. For creative visionaries, like you, sometimes all that granular planning...

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Some Things Change & Some Things Stay The Same

Some Things Change & Some Things Stay The Same

Happy 2016!! I stumbled upon my very first post when I FIRST started my blog,  back in 2012.   I received my coaching certification in 2008 and only got the clue to start a blog in 2012 to talk about the things I’ve learned along my path as a coach. I remember living in my little studio...

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Your 2015 Holiday Survival Guide

Your 2015 Holiday Survival Guide

The holidays are a time to get together and connect with your loved ones, however, sometimes that can bring up a lot of old, sometimes painful stuff. Family is unique because they’ve known you forever, they were assigned to you not chosen by you and the rules of common etiquette (ex. “You got SO...

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What’s Your Word For 2016?

What’s Your Word For 2016?

As 2015 comes to a close, a lot of us are in Intention Setting mode for 2016. Intention setting for the new year is great because it's the first step in really figuring out what you want to manifest in 2016. One way to do this is to pick a word that represents your ideas, your energy or your goals...

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Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade

Here's what I use to keep this operation running like a well-oiled (profitable) machine 😉    I get my hosting through BlueHost and I recommend them to EVERYONE! Customer service is SUCH a big deal to me (espeically when it has to do with any thing technical). BlueHost has saved my tail on a...

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Keep This in Mind When You Feel Ineffective & Small

Keep This in Mind When You Feel Ineffective & Small

It’s overwhelming isn’t? When the negativity and injustices of the world seem to take over? It makes you feel so helpless, so ineffective. So small. You want to make a difference in the world, but sometimes that can feel hard. The whole reason you want to start your business is because you want a...

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Why Going The Extra Mile, Isn’t Just A Cliché

Why Going The Extra Mile, Isn’t Just A Cliché

On a scale of 1-10 how sick are you of reading about how it’s November and the year is almost over?   I know it elicits panic and feelings like, “oh em gee, time has officially run out!”   I get it, I have had those thoughts too, but I want to share an experience with you that may not...

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What Being A Good Coach *Doesn’t* Mean

What Being A Good Coach *Doesn’t* Mean

It doesn’t mean you have to be perfect It doesn’t mean you have all the answers It doesn’t mean you’re a demi-god It doesn’t mean you don’t have stretch marks It doesn’t mean you only eat kale It doesn’t mean you meditate all morning, every morning It doesn’t mean you have to put out all the fires...

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Don’t Worry You’re Not Being A “Pitch”

Don’t Worry You’re Not Being A “Pitch”

  I see this all over the interwebs and it perplexes me every time.   “Book a session with me. Pitch free, no strings attached!”   “Join my 60 minutes pitch free webinar!”   “Come to my weekend workshop, pitch free, no selling guaranteed”   This totally confuses me and I...

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Warning: Superman had Kyptonite and You Have This

Warning: Superman had Kyptonite and You Have This

I was chatting with one of my sistergirl-bestie-partner-in-shine-super-friends the other day and she, being the super creative visionary she is, was outlining BIG plans we have for a collabrative project we're working on. Well me, being the dedicated task master, was so inspired by the vision she...

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Launch Your Soul Centered Business Online

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