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I help transformational professionals generate consistent $10K months in sales without sleazy sales, constant hustle and inauthentic marketing. Explore articles to help you.

How to Stop Complaining + Defeat Self-Sabotage: Part 2

There's a way for you to stop the complaining that is occurring in your life, plus defeat self-sabotage and the story I shared my last post has everything to do with that. If you haven't read it be sure to check it out now. When we parted ways on Monday we were talking about the two different ways...

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How to Stop Complaining + Defeat Self-Sabotage: Part I

Questions for you: “What do you want out of this life experience?” “What would make you happy?” “What baby step can you take today to move in that direction?” “What are you afraid will happen if you take action?”   Write down your responses in a place that you can refer to them later......

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What Everybody Ought to Know About the Bloom Technique

What Everybody Ought to Know About the Bloom Technique

In the post “How to go from Dream to Destiny in 3 Easy Steps” the first thing I suggested was to “Bloom Where You’re Planted”. Some feel that their circumstance needs to be perfect before they start, or they’re just waiting for the right time or just a little more information and then they will...

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How to Get the Wisdom You Crave, for Free

How to Get the Wisdom You Crave, for Free

Ever wish you could had all the money in the world so you could travel to ashrams, conferences and talks? Wouldn't you just love to get all the good wisdom and information for free? Well, what if I told you I can show you exactly how to get all that good information you seek and for free? Would...

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How Ants & Reptiles Are Keeping You From Your Destiny

How Ants & Reptiles Are Keeping You From Your Destiny

We’ve all had the experience where we feel our Destiny is calling, but there is a voice inside of our heads that tells us all the reasons why what we want is ridiculous, impossible or down right presumptuous. ANTs, as I call them, or Automatic Negative Thoughts will always rise. There is a part of...

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How To Go From Dream to Destiny in 3 Simple Steps: Part 3

How To Go From Dream to Destiny in 3 Simple Steps: Part 3

Now that you've read Part 1 & Part 2, you are beginning to understand that you have the power to turn your dreams into reality with a simple change in your perception. If you can start where you are and take manageable steps to get there, you're well one your way. There is just one final...

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How To Go From Dream to Destiny in 3 Simple Steps: Part 2

How To Go From Dream to Destiny in 3 Simple Steps: Part 2

Ever wonder how you can make your dream come true even if you're not in your ideal situation? You always feel like you need more money, more education, more followers, more time and the list goes on and on. I'm here to show you how You, (yes YOU!) can take your vision and make it come true. Just...

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How To Go From Dream to Destiny in 3 Simple Steps: Part 1

How To Go From Dream to Destiny in 3 Simple Steps: Part 1

How would you like to learn how to take that burning desire you have to change the world and make it a reality in just 3 simple steps? Last week you read, "23 Destiny Discoverers Reveal How They Discovered Their Dreams & Began To Walk In Their Destiny", where you were able to see story after...

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Destiny Discoveries Manifesto!!

Destiny Discoveries Manifesto!!

I present to you the... Destiny Discoveries Manifesto!!!!!   Destiny Discoveries is here to keep you Inspired, continue to be Encouraged, and to Live a Life of Passion! Here, we want you to stay Driven, Persistent, Determined & Motivated. If you don't know everything, that's okay, Bloom...

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At Destiny Discoveries, we believe that the Dream you hold in your heart has the Power to change the whole wide world for the better. As humans, we tend to underestimate the profound impact we all have on each other and our planet. Brilliance, Creativity and Power lies within each of us, but very...

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