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I help transformational professionals generate consistent $10K months in sales without sleazy sales, constant hustle and inauthentic marketing. Explore articles to help you.
Don’t Let Anyone Rain On Your Parade
One of my life anthems has become made popular once again, so I thought many generations could appreciate this. Whether you heard this song first from the legendary Barbara Streisand in the memorable musical, Funny Girl or from the popular hit series Glee, “Rain on My Parade” is really a...
36 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
Alright, so lasts month on Productivity was a big one. I hope you're feeling juiced and pumped to Discover your Dreams and Walk in Your Destiny! I know some people felt that some exercises were challenging and I was a little drill sergeant-like at times. I don't mean to be a drill sergeant I just...
6 Epic Life Lessons I Learned from “Cool Runnings”
Happy Monday all! I hope you are enjoying all this fun Olympic activity. Today's post is right on topic, but in a pretty unexpected way... Okay, I hope you’re cheesy tolerance meter is turned all the way up for this one. I was in the mood for a good wholesome movie one day, and it seems those...
Do You Know Enough is Enough?
I chose to end this month about Productivity with this post. It's about being kind to yourself, living in the flow and enjoying life. In this new digital age, we are not about "the bottom line" as much as we are about creating a lifestyle. So while being productive in a day is essential for those...
How To Make Your Dreams Your Priority
Okay today's post isn't a figurative "are you a Sparky" kind of productivity tip. Today's post is a no nonsense, straight to the point productivity tip you can use every week as a way to measure, well, productivity. I got the inspiration from Scott Dinsmore from LiveYourLegend.net. Scott shared a...
8 Awesome Lists That Will Help You Pick Your Passion In Life
On this path to Destiny Discovery, you may find that sometimes you feel lost. Maybe you don´t know where to begin. You know you are willing to work hard at something, but you don't know what that something is. Or maybe, you have been working on a project and it's just not working out and you are...
Get On The Path of Destiny Discovery: 3 Things You Must Do Today
As you journey on your path to Destiny Discovery, there are essential actions you must take to make sure you are being as productive as possible. Without accomplishing these things you will find yourself going in circles dealing with self sabotage and exhaustion. I don't want that to be your...
Are You a Lightening Striker or Sparky? The Answer Will Determine Your Destiny…
Story time! Once upon a time in a land far away named DreamLandia, there lived two groups of people, the Lightening Strikers and the Sparkies. Both of these groups wanted their Dreams to come true, but they went about making that happen in two very different ways. I'll tell you about the...
Are You Hoarding Wealth You Don’t Even Know You Have? Here’s How To Find Out!
Happy Monday! I hope this message finds you in great spirits. Hopefully you read last weeks post and are all clear on purpose vs goals and how to take your power back from the word “can’t”. Now you are ready to get clear on your Dreams and start making them come true. Now before I take you...
How to Stop Self-Defeat: A Helpful Technique You Can Use
Now that you know the difference between Life Purpose & Life Goals we need to talk about whether you accept it or not. What I mean is, some people think that they just have to know the rules of the game and they are ready to play. However, in the game of Life, sometimes there are elements at...
Act Your Shoe Size, Not Your Age
(From the BWWP Archives) Rachel Carson was quoted saying "If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in" We as adults have completely gotten...
Is it All About the Journey or the Destination?
We’ve all heard the saying, “You have to know where you've been, to know where you’re going”. Well, I'd like to play with that saying a bit and say, "You have to know where you’re going to know how to get there.” Simply stated that may sound painfully evident but how many times in life do you...