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I help transformational professionals generate consistent $10K months in sales without sleazy sales, constant hustle and inauthentic marketing. Explore articles to help you.

Want to meet up in person? Check this out….

Want to meet up in person? Check this out….

Have you been overwhelmed with social media lately? Is your screen time overwhelming your life? Do you just long to connect more on an authentic level? I’ve been feeling that way lately. I love the internet and all the opportunities it allows us to take advantage of, but I also love to connect on...

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THIS Is What To Do When You Don’t Love Your Business Anymore

THIS Is What To Do When You Don’t Love Your Business Anymore

It started off as a dream. It was all you thought about. You’d be in your cube or office fantasizing about it. You’d swoon any time it entered your mind. You couldn’t wait for the day you could work it day and night. What am I talking about you ask? Your dream business, of course!...

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Let’s Talk About How To Build A Soul-Centered Business

Let’s Talk About How To Build A Soul-Centered Business

What exactly is a Soul-Centered Business and how do you create one? This week, I talk with Marketing Expert, Rob Shultz about exactly how to do that. You don’t want to miss it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0oC_88GJAA   During our little chat we cover: The #1 way to infuse fun and...

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Ready to Quit Your Job? THIS Is What You Need, First…

Ready to Quit Your Job? THIS Is What You Need, First…

This one is for my Sista’s still in their day job, feeling antsy because this is YOUR year and you’re ready to GO! Ready to leave your 9 to 5? This is what you need to know first… Let me guess, you you’re the friend that doles out advice to all her friends. You’re the Iyanla of your social circle....

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Here’s The First Step To Building A Fun & Fulfilling Business

Here’s The First Step To Building A Fun & Fulfilling Business

You've declared to yourself, this.is.your.year!  You're going to make it happen, you're going to make your dreams come true, you're going to take the leap, put yourself out there and actually get started. Yay you!! If you're reading this, then likely your specific dream is to turn your passion...

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This is what I’m cookin’ up for you this year…

This is what I’m cookin’ up for you this year…

Are you one of those people that pick a word for the year? While I didn’t set out to formally “pick a word” this year, a theme that has been coming up for me is CONNECTION. I continue to grapple with irony that as we are all more connected (digitally), folks are feeling more disconnected and...

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! I’ve got something for ya…

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I’ve got something for ya…

  Hello and Happy New Year! What did you do to ring in the new year? I hope you had a blast.   My hubby and I whisked away to wine country, just the two of us, and had beautiful little vacay in a luxury Airstream. If you’re anything like me, you’re not really starting “work”, work until...

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You Did It & I’m Proud Of You!

You Did It & I’m Proud Of You!

If you’re reading this right now, I just wanna say, you did good, sis. Real good.   You made it.   You’re about to cross the threshold into a New Year and that is a blessing!   Typically, the focus this time of year is to be even bigger, brighter and better than ever before.  ...

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Launch Your Soul Centered Business Online

Get access to this free training where you learn how to leverage your Online Space to Increase Your Visibility, Attract More Clients & Amp Up Your Income.