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I help transformational professionals generate consistent $10K months in sales without sleazy sales, constant hustle and inauthentic marketing. Explore articles to help you.

Happy Merry Everythang – a gift I made for you!

Happy Merry Everythang – a gift I made for you!

What mode are you in right now? Hibernation Snuggle mode? Strategic Plan Introspective mode? Maybe you’re more of a Finish Big, Go Hard Or Go Home, Super Drive Mode. (I’m oscillating between Team Super Snuggle and Strategic Plan Mode in case you were wondering) No matter where you vibe wise, I...

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I Made THIS Just For You!

I Made THIS Just For You!

You talked, I listened.   Then I made this for you…   You said you wanted practical steps and solutions for truly turning your passion into a profit.   You said you wanted to know how to stop getting sucked into the black hole of social media and instead make money and attract...

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Wish you had a magic wand? I have the next best thing… ✨

Wish you had a magic wand? I have the next best thing… ✨

This is my favorite time of year for one reason. People get really serious about making their dreams come true. Don’t you get fired up thinking of the year ending and what’s possible for you in 2018? I’ve seen clients create MAGIC in their lives just by tapping into that energy of possibility....

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This almost got me, will it get you?

This almost got me, will it get you?

I was on fire. I had been traveling all summer. Just got back from a 5 day trip strategically planning my year and upleveling my business. Then it happened. PROCRASTINATION. It came out of nowhere! I was so productive, had so much fun, came back on fire…. ...Then, the next day all I wanted to do...

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Feeling stressed out? You must read this…

Feeling stressed out? You must read this…

Just popping in your inbox today, to see how you’re doing. Since you’re a person who feels deeply, I know the world events likely have you down right now. Whether it’s the news of devastating natural disasters or the most unnatural acts happening between humans, I wanted to reach out and see how...

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How To Make ALL Your Dreams Come True (An Invitation)

How To Make ALL Your Dreams Come True (An Invitation)

How are you feeling as the month of September is coming to end? Fully prepared for the end of the year? In need of getting clear on your goals? No matter where you are as you read these words, I’ve got something really special I’m doing for you this weekend. As you know, I believe all great things...

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10 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Prepare for the End of The Year

10 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Prepare for the End of The Year

OMG, it’s September, can you even believe it? For me, September feels like January. I’m thinking of the future, what I want the next 12 months to look like. My strategy brain goes into hyperdrive and I get filled with the spirit of new possibilities and growth. What about you? How are you feeling...

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Longing for Connection? You’ll definitely want to read this.

Longing for Connection? You’ll definitely want to read this.

Hey Sis, I know you’ve heard me say it time again… If you long for success, for support, and sanity, you need COMMUNITY. When talking about business, You’ve heard me encourage you to get a mastermind group, find an “accountibilibuddy” and to, of course, hire a coach. In life, I insist you have...

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How Can You Be Authentic Without Sharing It ALL Online?

How Can You Be Authentic Without Sharing It ALL Online?

Hi Beauty! I’m popping in your inbox to invite you to a beautiful discussion unfolding tomorrow, Thursday July 20th at 6 pm PST! (check out the deets here) Me and two of my fav #LadyBoss SistaFriends are discussing Authenticity in the Online Space. So if you’ve been feeling a disconnect trying to...

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