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I help transformational professionals generate consistent $10K months in sales without sleazy sales, constant hustle and inauthentic marketing. Explore articles to help you.

How To Be Ambitious Without Getting Overwhelmed

How To Be Ambitious Without Getting Overwhelmed

Summer is here in the U.S. and we’re fast approaching the second half of the year. As temperatures rise, so do the expectations of YOU, my ambitious woman entrepreneur. “You think, oh my goodness, it’s almost the end of the year and there’s still sooooo much I want to do!!”   I get it, I’m...

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What Is It You Plan To Do With Your One Wild And Precious Life?

What Is It You Plan To Do With Your One Wild And Precious Life?

Live Your Best Life Work From Anywhere #GirlBoss #EntrepreneurLife #WinningAllDayEveryday That’s what you see folks put out there to the world as to why you want to run a dream location independent business. And while those things are awesome... ....there’s even more to it than that. By having...

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THIS Is What You Need To Read When You Are Ready To Quit

THIS Is What You Need To Read When You Are Ready To Quit

Hi friend,   So you may or may not know, but I volunteer my time, knowledge and expertise to an organization called Youth Business USA. It’s basically the business development work I did in Ecuador but with amazing Bay Area youth. P.S. Watch out because the are changing our world for the...

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The Answer To Your Website Woes #HitRefresh

The Answer To Your Website Woes #HitRefresh

Well Hello & Happy May! The year is flying by and the seasons are changing. With the change of the season, I've been feeling the need to upgrade, refresh and update. That's including my wardrobe, my hair, my website and the list goes on and on. While I can't help you with your hair (because...

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The Most Important Question You Can Ask Yourself Today

The Most Important Question You Can Ask Yourself Today

  Hey You! Hope all is well your way : ) The energy of Spring is in full swing here in the U.S. which brings the energy of new life and new possibility.   I’m totally feeling all those things and more, how about you?   I've noticed that this year, all this negativity happening in...

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How To (Really) Change Your Life In 3 Months

How To (Really) Change Your Life In 3 Months

Has your 2017 begun with a slow start?   Did January and February feel like a dress rehearsal?   Are you struggling to gain traction when it comes to achieving your goals?   I’m hearing this from a lot of hopeful business owners who feel like they haven’t quite gotten it together in...

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The Disconnect & The Solution

The Disconnect & The Solution

You have a heart for service, you know you’re on a mission, you’re following your calling, even when it’s scary.    You know you’re being (divinely) guided to something great, yet there’s a disconnect.   The disconnect is, you’re serving, you’re helping, you’re inspiring and yet, the...

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The First Thing You Need To Create The Year of Your Dreams

The First Thing You Need To Create The Year of Your Dreams

Happy New Year!   How are you feeling now that you're all snuggled into 2017? If you’re like a lot of people I’ve talked to, you’re feeling a bit anxious, a bit hopeful, and really open to see what the year has in store for you.   While we, of course, can’t guarantee outcomes, we can...

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4 Positive Ways To Ring In A Productive & Prosperous New Year!

4 Positive Ways To Ring In A Productive & Prosperous New Year!

    Everyone’s talking about strategic plans ?, goals for the new year and, of course, resolutions. I get it, I have been in strategic planning mode for most of the month of December and setting goals is, like, my favorite topic.   However, some people feel intimidated, deflated or...

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How To Survive the Holidays With Grace

How To Survive the Holidays With Grace

  The holidays are a time to get together and connect with your loved ones, however, sometimes that can bring up a lot of old, sometimes painful stuff. Family is unique because they’ve known you forever, they were assigned to you not chosen by you and the rules of common etiquette (ex. “You...

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Big News!! I Quit My Day Job! | The Riveting Conclusion

Big News!! I Quit My Day Job! | The Riveting Conclusion

Last week I shared with you the squeal-inducing text I got from one my clients: “Big News!! I put in my notice at the day job today. I woke up with butterflies in my stomach and even though I knew I wanted to book two more weddings before I made this move… I took a deep breath...and I gave notice...

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