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I help transformational professionals generate consistent $10K months in sales without sleazy sales, constant hustle and inauthentic marketing. Explore articles to help you.
The One About My Biggest Fear + A Gift For You
I know, I know you’re one tough sista, but I’m curious, do you have a crazy phobia? While parts of me are tough as nails, I realized I have some crazy phobias. One I discovered when I was a wee one, and that is my fear of BIG EYES (ugh, I cringe just thinking of it). I discovered...
4 Things To Do When You Feel The World Is Crumbling Around You
You know the #1 one issue I’ve heard my readers are having this week? Feeling like they are in total despair and needing a pick me up to make it through their day so they can continue to build their business and do good in the world. I get it. It’s been rough, but if you think about it, “life”...
Feeling Sad & Stuck? This Will Help
Hey my darling world changer, I know you’re like me and feel the effects of yet another tragedy happening in our precious world. It puts my belly in knots, my heart in pieces and at times I can feel the optimism draining from my body. But thank God, that whisper, that nudge, that deep soul level...
Can’t Decide? This Is What’s Happening To You
Do you consider yourself indecisive or are you great at decision-making? Making a decision can be hard for some. Decisions are an important part of our everyday life and there’s so much to the topic. Today, however, I cover an aspect of decision-making most folks don’t talk about(or even realize!)...
How To Make Your Dreams Come True This Summer
OMG, Can you believe it’s June! The year is just about halfway over and things are heating up (at least here in the U.S. of A. ) When you kicked off 2016, is this where you thought you’d be come June 2016? Maybe you’ve crushed your goals and now you’re dreaming up bigger and better things to...
things you may not know about me + what it says about you
So, I posted this picture + caption this morning on Instagram & folks are emailing and telling me they never knew these things about me, so I thought I’d share it with you (hint: I frame it like it’s all about me, but it’s really about you 🙂 #ImCraftyLiketThat) “You Can Go Your Own Way” ⋆It...
My Powerful Day With Oprah & What That Means For You
Hi Friend 🙂 How are things going with you? I’m still processing after coming back from an amazing surprise vacay to see Oprah’s Super Soul Sessions Series 2! I saw incredible teachers I’m a fan of such as India.Arie, Caroline Myss, Marie Forleo, Amandla Stenberg (Rue!) and Eckhart Tolle and...
Feel Like No One Notices You? This Will Help
Happy Spring! I had a blast speaking with those of you who signed up for the complimentary 2016 Action Plan sessions. I learned SO much about you and I’m excited for you to go all in for the rest of 2016!A big concern that I heard over and over is that you sometimes feel that no one notices you....
How To Charge What You’re Worth (Even If You’re A Newbie)
Having trouble charging what you're worth? Here's a video about what's really getting in your way, and what you can do to overcome it. Don't forget your inspired action step for this week. Create your list and watch your confidence shoot through the roof! Wishing you all the best, ...
Afraid to Put Yourself Out There? Keep This in Mind.
Oh, this journey of personal development can be a doozy can’t it? You read the books and the blogs, you attend the retreats and seminars, you dive deep and look inside and the journey really never ends. Recently, it became clear to me that even though in this year alone I’ve spoken at...
10 Important Reasons You Need a Website, Today.
http://bit.ly/JYBBWorkshopYou know I’m all about action first, and blooming where you’re planted, so I would never suggest not launching your business if you don’t have a website. Start where you can start! However, as the world goes more digital, having the right kind of online presence is...
How to Gracefully Expect the Unexpected
Got your 30 Day Plan? Embrace the 12 Week Year! 10X your success! Pick your word for 2016! This is what your inbox has been filled with pretty much since October, right? It was all about Make Your Plan and Work Your Plan wasn’t it? Have you ever heard the Yiddish saying, “We Plan & God Laughs”...