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I help transformational professionals generate consistent $10K months in sales without sleazy sales, constant hustle and inauthentic marketing. Explore articles to help you.

If you’re feeling frustrated and alone, read this.

If you’re feeling frustrated and alone, read this.

Who has your back? This week has been filled with emergency mastermind meetings, vent fests and “should I even be in business?” conversations.   First, one of my colleagues called an emergency mastermind meeting because she’s been dealing with a nightmare client that has resulted in her being put...

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How to Shine On…Even When You’re Scared

How to Shine On…Even When You’re Scared

So everyone's always talking about the importance of "putting yourself out there", but for some of us that's scaaaarry business! Like I've shared with you in the past, I actually have a legit phobia of public speaking. As life would have it, that's the thing I'm being called to do (oh,...

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The Best Way to Eat an Elephant & Make Your Dreams Come True

The Best Way to Eat an Elephant & Make Your Dreams Come True

They say the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Sounds silly, but that’s actually life changing advice. As a World Changer you have a LOT on your plate (oh, the puns are starting early!) Sure, when you think of your dreams, they’re delicious to you and you want go after them all in...

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3 Easy Ways to Crush Overwhelm Like A Superhero

3 Easy Ways to Crush Overwhelm Like A Superhero

My client base is comprised of ambitious men and women who are dedicated to getting.stuff.done. They are driven by their passions and are determined to make a positive impact on the world. To me they are superheroes, and if you’re reading this, I’m guessing you have the same mission and therefore...

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Wanna be your own boss? 3 things you need to be successful

Wanna be your own boss? 3 things you need to be successful

So You Wanna Be Your Own Boss?   I remember sitting for over 8 hours under fluorescent lights, filling out Excel spreadsheets, while I watched the “The Hills” on MTV.Com in a little minimized window on my computer, just to make my task more fun.   I remember it being dark when I arrived to work...

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I’m So Embarrassed I Did This…But It Actually Helped

I’m So Embarrassed I Did This…But It Actually Helped

So, as I rev up to the release of my first online program (stay tuned for details if you're interested) I’ve been going through a lot of shifts.   It’s requiring me to step up in a bigger way and face that sneaky bully 'Resistance'.   One night I was feeling particularly “stuck”. Not related...

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The Step You’re Skipping When Figuring Out Your Why

The Step You’re Skipping When Figuring Out Your Why

Have you seen the classic TedTalk by Simon Sinek? If you haven’t, it’s a pre-requisite to this blog post. So watch it now… The idea of starting with your ‘Why’ really flipped the idea of how to do business on it’s head. It’s a revolutionary idea and it's a common theme that runs through modern...

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Feel Like You’re “Literally Dying”? Keep This In Mind

Feel Like You’re “Literally Dying”? Keep This In Mind

I love a good challenge. I love trying something new and my latest challenge has been taking Bar Method classes. I thought it was going to be like ballet and something familiar to me as a former dancer. Well, I was wrong. The class is pure torture, but after every one, I feel strong and...

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This one time…on Instagram…

This one time…on Instagram…

My future's so bright... I gotta wear shades // Positive Self Talk will get you through the toughest times. // What stories are you telling yourself? What are you believing? // "you don't describe what you see, you see what you describe "

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6 Steps to Success

6 Steps to Success

I was listening to the Strangest Secret today, and at the end he mentioned 6 Secrets to Success according to Dr. David Harold Fink. I thought it was a pretty comprehensive list, so I thought I'd share the steps with you. The Strangest Secret is a wonderful audio that always helps get me back on...

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What I Will (and Won’t) Be Doing in 2015

What I Will (and Won’t) Be Doing in 2015

Happy 2015! I know you’re probably already inundated with so much New Year’s propaganda you feel like your head is going to explode, but I’m bursting at the seams to share with you my 2015 plans. Confession: I try to play it down, but New Years is actually one of my favorite holidays. This year my...

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Launch Your Soul Centered Business Online

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