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I help transformational professionals generate consistent $10K months in sales without sleazy sales, constant hustle and inauthentic marketing. Explore articles to help you.

How To Go From a Funk to Freedom Part I

How To Go From a Funk to Freedom Part I

Ever feel stuck and unmotivated? Ever get in a funk and not know how to get out? Well, you're not alone, this is something Visionaries experience all the time.  Lack of motivation is a Destiny Discoverers worst nightmare and I want to provide you with as many tools as I can to get you out of that...

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3 Reasons Why a Bad Economy is Good News For You

I am going to make this a quickie, but I had to let you know why NOW is the time to start walking in your Destiny. It’s important, it’s urgent, so much so, I want you to read this post then Take Action on turning your Dreams into Reality! I present to you:  3 Reasons Why NOW is the Time to Start...

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5 Ways to Find Abundance Where You Least Expect It

5 Ways to Find Abundance Where You Least Expect It

When Life is Good it can be Grand! The birds sing, the weathers perfect and baby deer eat oats out of your hand. However, when times are hard that’s when *ish gets Real! I have some good news though, if you figure out how to reframe your situation, you can find the treasure hidden in every...

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The Power of Simply Getting Started

The Power of Simply Getting Started

Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved. ~ William Jennings Bryan What is it that you want to do?  Start a business, Get in Shape, Adopt a Healthier Life Style, Create a Non-Profit, Start a Blog? When you declare...

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How to Stop Complaining + Defeat Self-Sabotage: Part 3

Have you ever found yourself frustrated because no matter how much you want to change an aspect of your life you just can't? Do you find yourself complaining to your peeps about it and nothing gets better? Do you take inspired action hoping to see a difference, only to find that you self-sabotage...

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Launch Your Soul Centered Business Online

Get access to this free training where you learn how to leverage your Online Space to Increase Your Visibility, Attract More Clients & Amp Up Your Income.